We thought and really prayed about it and felt like this was the right thing to do....for us and for the youth. I had to really examine my feelings when Jamie and I discussed stepping down because I wasn't sure I wanted to let these guys go. We have put so much of ourselves into them and I struggled with feeling like I was being cheated. I even had a few moments when I felt like we were being kicked out. I know that's not the case but sometimes my pride swells up and gets in the way. My flesh was coming out in full force. I realized that I had a lot of repenting to do.... Now I can move on with a "happy heart." After taking a step back and really praying about things, I feel kind of like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I realized that I was feeling stressed about not giving our youth the time they deserved, and then getting mad because I didn't have the time I longed for. I had not been "giving it to God" and that is no way to live!
This time that God has had us being youth leaders has been quite a ride! We've learned a lot about ourselves, each other, and the teenagers in our care. Youth ministry is challenging stuff! I have so much more respect for those called to this ministry than I did before. There are good times and bad times, but this is different than anything I've ever been involved with.
Youth group is fun and difficult. We learned we needed to involve the kids in our lessons with a game, demonstration, or lively discussion for them to pay attention and get the point. You plan and prepare, and more times than not those plans get changed. One question or comment can take your carefully prepared lesson in an entirely different direction. A increase or decrease in expected attendance can render a game useless. We had a pretty small group of about 10-15 kids, and encouraged them to participate. Sometimes we could not get them to be quiet, but sometimes it was like pulling teeth to get them to answer questions.
Teen agers are remarkable! I've gotten to know our core group of kids pretty well. They can be so awesome one minute and then be full of attitude the next. They are emotional, but love so strongly. They are territorial, but loyal. They are always looking for something to do, and constantly on the go. They are ruled by their emotions. They evoke strong emotions in us as well. I am so encouraged by them sometimes and so frustrated by them at other times. Through it all, however, I have grown to love each one of them! One of the coolest parts of youth ministry is seeing the changes that take place in the kids. You get to watch them grow into adults and help shape their lives. It's as rewarding as it is challenging!!!
This photo is from the March for Life 2010 trip to Washington DC.
We are going to miss "our kids" but we are looking forward to what God has for us in this next chapter of our lives!
It is such an odd feeling when you step down! I did it when callie was born 5 years ago! (holy cow its been a while) It was such a hard thing for me to do. ALan and I had met doing youth group . Jocelyn spent the first 3 years of her life at youth events. I still get a little sad about it. This year is the first full year that Alan is not "in charge" he still over sees everything but he isnt in charge of the day to day. he doesnt even have to go to the leader meetings!! It will get less weird!
ReplyDeleteCant wait to see the next chapter!